This page is divided into four sections:
Here you can see the title of the target window (if available) when the macro was created, and set the title that PTFB should display in the main list.
You can adjust the playback speed for the macro on this page, or on the macro editing page (if present - see below). The speed range runs from one quarter of normal speed, right up to the maximum possible speed on your computer. The mid-point in speed range represents 1x speed - at this setting, the macro should play at about the same speed as the original recording (subject to system load).
This section also contains an option labeled: "skip redundant mouse movement". When set, PTFB deliberately skips over what it considers to be unnecessary mouse-move actions during playback, increasing the playback speed still further.
If you want to know which mouse moves PTFB thinks are redundant, try setting the macro to a slow speed and tick the "skip redundant" box. You'll see that PTFB only takes note of mouse moves that occur immediately before a mouse button action - all the ones in between that describe the path the cursor took are skipped. This is fine for many applications - but not so good of you're recording the movement of the pen tool in a free-hand drawing package!
TIP#1: If you find that a macro is playing back but not producing the results you expect, it's often a good idea to try reducing the playback speed - sometimes mouse and key actions can arrive before the target program is ready for them. Also try turning OFF the "skip redundant" setting - again, some programs don't cope too well if they don't see a more natural movement of the mouse cursor.
TIP#2: If you find yourself always having to change the playback speed or the "skip redundant" setting when you create a new macro, don't forget that you can alter the defaults - check out the "Defaults" page of PTFB's Configuration Sheet for more details.
When PTFB Pro is about to act on a target, it forces it in front of the current active window to help ensure that all mouse and key presses go to the correct recipient. If you tick the "Restore Active Window" option, PTFB Pro will attempt to re-activate the previously active window once the macro has completed.
This will most often be used for repeated, periodic operations on a background window. It will have no noticeable effect in cases where the target window has already forced itself to the front of the screen by the time PTFB Pro sees it.
There may be times when you don't want others to be able to view or change the contents of a macro. One to accomplish that is to use this setting. When you tick the box, you'll be asked to provide an unlock password. Choose a password you won't forget (more on that later) then click OK on the sheet to save your changes. The next time you view the properties for you macro, the editing tab simply won't be there.
To get the editing tab back, untick the "Hide" box and supply the correct password, then again click OK on the sheet to save changes. The editing tab will again be present when you next view the macro's properties.
This field allows you to enter a short note or description for the macro. The comment will be shown in the tooltip displayed when you hover the mouse over the item's name on PTFB's main screen.